The Key Ingredient to a Great Company Culture

The Key Ingredient to a Great Company Culture

At REBORN, we pride ourselves on our fun, supportive and cohesive team. It’s our people that make it a pleasure to come to work each day.

Culture is a word thrown around a lot, but contrary to popular belief it’s not all about nights out on the boss, and boozy parties.

A good company culture must come from a leadership team with a strong Cultural Strategy and as with any area of a business, daily dedication and effort.

Aside from the obvious hiring on cultural fit, company events, employee of the month awards etc we believe it is down to one important daily habit which although simple; is so often overlooked.

Celebrate the whole person.

Make coming to work, more than just about work.

Every employee has a life outside of work, find out what they love to do and in doing so, find out what drives them.

We all want to feel valued not only as an employee, but as an individual.

Noticing and mentioning the small personal, and professional, wins of an employee can make a world of difference to an 8 hour day.

So Sally just landed a new flat?! Mention it in the weekly WIP!

John has a date!? Call a meeting, pop the champagne!

Encourage your employees to share their lives with each other. Studies show that employees who count their colleagues as genuine friends enjoy their work more, feel more invested in the business and are less likely to leave when the pressure is on.

Aside from increased productivity, encouraging comradery amongst your employees makes coming to work more enjoyable for everyone.

We spend a lot of time together, it makes sense that we try to enjoy it.

Your employees are a direct reflection of your business. They can be your best, and worst PR. It is a company’s responsibility, and indeed best practice, to encourage a great culture and really it only takes a few minutes a day.

NB: a night out on the boss definitely doesn’t go astray either!


Written by Nikki Gatland
People & Culture Manager at REBORN

